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传达指令 指导工作 公开政务 服务社会



时间: 2023-05-19 09:46


Circular of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government and Jiangsu Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing Implementation Plan for Counterpart Cooperation between Yan'an City and Wuxi City (Year 2022-2026)(3)

Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing  Measures on Replicating and Promoting Innovative Pilot Reform for Business Environment(11)

Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Administration for Market Regulation on Printing and Issuing Guideline of Shaanxi Province on Building A Tracing System for Health Food Manufacturers(27)

Guideline of Shaanxi Province on Building A Tracing System for Health Food Manufacturers(28)

Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation on Printing and Issuing Administrative Measures of Shaanxi Province for Approval of Qualifications for Surveying and Mapping(32)

Administrative Measures of Shaanxi Province for Approval of Qualifications for Surveying and Mapping(32)

Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Forestry Administration on Printing and Issuing Implementation Rules of Shaanxi Province for Administration of Examination and Approval of the Use of Forest Land for Construction Projects(35)

Implementation Rules of Shaanxi Province for Administration of Examination and Approval of the Use of Forest Land for Construction Projects(35)

Economic Situation of Shaanxi Province in the 1st Quarter, 2023(45)

Government Activities in April, 2023(46)
