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传达指令 指导工作 公开政务 服务社会



时间: 2022-06-17 14:45


Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government on Naming the 2nd Batch of Demonstration Zones (Models) for the Work of Local Government Information Transparency(3)

Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government on Printing and Issuing the Interim Administrative Measures of Shaanxi Province on Operating the 12345 Government Hotline to Provide Convenience for the Local  People(4)

Interim Administrative Measures of Shaanxi Province on Operating the 12345 Government Hotline to Provide Convenience for the Local  People(5)

Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government on Printing and Issuing the Emergency Preparedness Plan of Shaanxi Province for Unexpected Incidents Concerning Water Traffic(11)

Emergency Preparedness Plan of Shaanxi Province for Unexpected Incidents Concerning Water Traffic(12)

Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance and Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission on Printing and Issuing the Measures of Shaanxi Province on Management of Provincial Special Funds for Guiding Industry Restructuring(39)

Measures of Shaanxi Province on Management of Provincial Special Funds for Guiding Industry Restructuring(39)

Appointment and Removal of Personnel of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government(44)

The Provincial Economic Situation in April, 2022(45)

Government Activities in May, 2022(46)
